About Mergify

Mergify is your ultimate tool for combining Spotify playlists effortlessly. Whether you're creating a party mix or organizing your music library, Mergify simplifies the process with just a few clicks.

*This project is not associated, tie-in, co-branding or promotion by Spotify.

  • Combine Playlists

    Merge multiple Spotify playlists into one without duplicates.

  • Duplicate Removal

    Automatically removes duplicate tracks during the merge process.

  • User-Friendly

    Clean and intuitive interface for seamless interaction.

  • Secure Authentication

    Your data is safe with Spotify's secure OAuth system.

How to Use Mergify

1. Sign In with Spotify:

Click the "Sign In" button on the homepage to authenticate your Spotify account securely.


2. Select playlists:

To select playlists, click on the playlist cards displayed below. Selected playlists will be highlighted with a green border, indicating they are ready to be merged. You can choose multiple playlists by clicking on them. If you change your mind, simply click again to deselect a playlist.

Example Playlist

Chill Vibes

25 tracks

Example Playlist Selected

Workout Beats

40 tracks

3. Customize Your Playlist:

Name your new playlist and optionally add a description. Mergify will handle duplicate removal automatically.

Example: "My Ultimate Party Mix" - A playlist for all your favorite tracks!

3. Save and Enjoy:

Once merged, your new playlist will appear in your Spotify account. Open Spotify and start listening!

Example Saved Playlist

My Ultimate Party Mix

65 tracks

Ready to Get Started?

Start Merging Playlists